NEXTBLUE > English Articles > Breakthrough Health got nominated as one of the finalists in the Hottest Health Tech Startup category in The Europas Tech Startup Awards.
Breakthrough Health got nominated as one of the finalists in the Hottest Health Tech Startup category in The Europas Tech Startup Awards.

We’re proud that one of our portfolio company Breakthrough Health is one of the finalists in the Hottest Health Tech Startup category in The Europas Tech Startup Awards.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote for us 🗳️
Keep your fingers crossed for the finals next Thursday!
It’s an honour to be in such a competitive category alongside:
VoxiKids – Easy Speech
Tonic App
startup #health #healthtechnology #berlinstartups #multiplesclerosis
Author: Yuichi Kori
After graduating from Hitotsubashi University, Yuichi worked at companies such as RenRen and F-code, before then founding Otsumu in 2010. From 2015, he supported various accelerator programs (such as the program with Asahi Newspaper), and from 2017 started and began operating his own VC fund called Reality Accelerator.